H2MA works to accelerate the transnational roll-out of green hydrogen mobility infrastructure in the Alpine region, to curb CO2 emissions and foster the transition to low-carbon transport. Through the joint development of cooperation mechanisms, strategies, tools, and resources, the project will increase the capacities of territorial public authorities and relevant stakeholders to collaboratively plan and pilot test zero-emission hydrogen routes across the Alps. As a result, H2MA will improve the governance of green hydrogen mobility, boost the uptake of green hydrogen for heavy transport, unlock green financing, and strengthen the cooperation framework between public authorities and companies involved in green hydrogen mobility.
- 2021 – 2027
- Carbon neutral and resource sensitive Alpine region
- SO 2.1 - Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- AG9 Energy efficiency and renewable energy
- 11/2022
- 10/2025
- 2.273.155 EUR
- 1.704.866 EUR
H2MA brings together 11 partners from all 5 Interreg Alpine Space EU countries (SI, IT, DE, FR, AT), to coordinate and accelerate the transnational roll-out of green hydrogen (H2) infrastructure for transport and mobility in the Alpine region. Through the joint development of cooperation mechanisms, strategies, tools, and resources, H2MA will increase the capacities of territorial public authorities and stakeholders to overcome existing barriers and collaboratively plan and pilot test transalpine zero-emission H2 routes.
H2MA’s integrated planning and implementation solutions for H2 mobility will enable the synchronized deployment of transnational infrastructure for freight and passenger transport (heavy duty trucks and railway in the short-term, maritime and aviation in the long-term), in tandem with urban mobility planning (buses), amplifying the macro-regional impact of currently siloed initiatives. As a result, H2MA will contribute to climate change mitigation (by curbing GHG emissions), reduce air and noise pollution, and further support the growth of Alpine space as a sustainable transportation hub, significantly advancing the shift to low-carbon mobility.
- Improve the governance of green H2 mobility in the Alpine region, as over 20 policy authorities and 80 stakeholders will use and upscale project outputs (resources, tools, strategies), optimizing mobility plans.
- Boost the uptake of green H2 for heavy-duty transportation across the Alpine space by supporting infrastructure development for at least 2,000 H2-powered vehicles, thus contributing to saving approximately 240 thousand CO2 tons (per year) by 2030.
- Unlock green financing and improve the cooperation framework between public authorities and businesses involved in green H2 mobility in the Alpine region, by deepening public-private synergies and harmonizing policy planning with automotive and green H2 production and distribution value chains.
- Lead partner
- Slovenia
- Vzhodna Slovenija (SI03)
- Velenje
- Niko Natek
- niko.natek@kssena.velenje.eu
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
- Kranj
- Lidija Kovac
- Lidija.kovac@bsc-kranj.si
- France
- Alsace (FRF1)
- Strasbourg
- Philippe Portelli
- philippe.portelli@strasbourg.eu
- Italy
- Lombardia (ITC4)
- Milano
- Mita Lapi
- mita.lapi@flanet.org
- France
- Franche-Comté (FRC2)
- Etupes
- Clotilde Nadé
- cn@vehiculedufutur.com
- Italy
- Piemonte (ITC1)
- Torino
- Giuseppe Estivo
- Giuseppe.estivo@cittametropolitana.torino.it
- Germany
- Freiburg (DE13)
- Freiburg
- Dr. Fabian Burggraf
- Fabian.burggraf@klimaschutz-oberrhein.de
- Austria
- Steiermark (AT22)
- Graz
- Alois Kraussler
- alois.kraussler@4wardenergy.at
- Italy
- Lombardia (ITC4)
- Milan
- Gian Luca Gurrieri
- gian_luca_gurrieri@regione.lombardia.it
- Austria
- Wien (AT13)
- Vienna
- Matteo Codognotto
- matteo.codognotto@codognotto.com
- Germany
- Oberbayern (DE21)
- Munich
- Martina Agosti
- agosti@italcam.de
- 46.370966915.0979769
- 46.246576514.3644724
- 48.5733789500000067.7523399496465775
- 45.4892079.1936874
- 47.51646656.8740432
- 45.07084897.663984
- 48.03822337.8179004
- 47.064760415.4077223
- 45.48604249.1959558
- 48.223560116.3892075
- 48.1299611.5309879
Common planning and decision-making resource set to jointly coordinate the roll-out of green H2 mobility infrastructure across Alpine transportation networks
The mechanism will function as an instrument for optimizing the location of key H2 infrastructure (e.g. refueling stations and green H2 supply chains) between different Alpine territories/countries. The mechanism will be addressed to policymakers & relevant stakeholders; it will include green H2 maturity scenarios, to assist in making informed decisions. Its parameters will be selected in a study by PVF and will be jointly finalized by partners & stakeholders in a workshop organized by CMT. -
Recommendations and updates for local, regional, and national hydrogen strategies and mobility plans, integrating H2MA knowledge, resources, and tools
Partners with policy-influencing capacity (KSSENA, BSC, CMT, RL, EMS, PVF, KPO, 4ER), based on WP1 resources, studies, and tools, will prepare proposals on how to integrate project knowledge in strategies they address (12 in total; identified in C2.5 section) in the form of recommendations. Thus, they will deliver updates in own strategies (or measures in case strategy has not yet materialised); KSSENA and 4ER, as actors covering their whole country, will focus on national H2 strategies. -
Common ‘green H2 mobility routes’ interconnecting current with upcoming/planned infrastructure across the Alpine space
Pilot testing will result in setting up transalpine routes and proposing a corresponding green H2 infrastructure network for commercial/freight and urban mobility. Local Working Groups will carry out the pilots, building capacities on how to combine territorial requirements with Alpine specificities, to deliver route designs for the 6 pilot territories, submitted for feedback to relevant national, Alpine, and EU bodies. All designs will be peer-reviewed and merged into a route masterplan. -
Transferability toolbox for uptaking and/or upscaling the H2MA approach for green H2 mobility in partnership areas and beyond
The toolbox comprises WP3.1 and WP3.2 business and policy resources (i.e., implementation handbook, governance model, policy harmonisation recommendations, roadmap for developing green H2 mobility ecosystems, interoperability synergies). It will guide and support business ecosystems and policy-makers both within partner areas and beyond to take-up and continue building on the project approach, building and/or strengthening collaboration with H2MA partners. -
Collaboration framework with green H2 mobility actors, ecosystems, and businesses, initiating synergies to tap into green financing and investement opportunities.
Partners, LWGs members, and stakeholders will liaise with H2 ecosystems and relevant businesses to sign Memoranda of Cooperation. As a result, H2MA will deliver an ‘Alpine collaboration framework’ that will enable targeted actors to jointly pool resources and capacities to unlock (transalpine) financing opportunities (e.g., setting up public-private partnerships). In this way, H2 ecosystems will be empowered to build upon and expand the transalpine route designs pilot-tested by H2MA.
We kindly invite you to read the 1st Newsletter of the H2MA project! In the newsletter, you can find information about the project and project activities that we carried out together with the project partners in the past period. If you would like to receive our six monthly project Newsletter you can subscribe here.Download
We kindly invite you to read the 2nd Newsletter of the H2MA project! In the newsletter, you can find information about the project and project activities that we carried out together with the project partners in the past period. If you would like to receive our six monthly project Newsletter you can subscribe here.Download
Starting from the problem, into a collective journey to achieve set goals by 31/10/2025. Take a look at the infographic of the H2MA project here and download the pdf file!Download
A methodology with tools (questionnaire, KPIs, resources) and thematic instructions on how partners will collect territorial data regarding green H2 mobility infrastructure gaps.Download
Final report, presenting an analysis of the data collected from each partnership territory according to D1.1.1 methodology, outlining key Alpine infrastructure gaps and needs.Download
Input paper with guidelines to streamline the organisation of both on-site visits, providing also the thematic background on H2 planning requirements, to prepare participants.Download
Summary of the lessons learnt from the Strasbourg on-site visit, outlining the technical, economic, and safety requirements identified as essential in green H2 mobility planning for buses.Download
Summary of the lessons learnt from the Bavaria on-site visit, presenting the technical, economic, and safety requirements essential for green H2 mobility planning for trucks and trains.Download
Instructions on how partners will identify and evaluate H2 mobility planning approaches and specifications, employing the dedicated input forms and assessment criteria provided.Download
A presentation of the optimal design specifications of the H2MA tool, based on partners’ evaluations, which will take into account countries’ current and future infrastructure plans as core parameter.Download
Organisational guidelines, including tools to facilitate collaborations, on how partners can develop (jointly with stakeholders and experts) the H2MA planning tool in a workshop.Download
Analysis of participants’ suggestions to deliver recommendations on how to improve and finalise the tool, focusing on how it could integrate all key parameters (e.g., technical, territorial).Download
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