Freight traffic volume is continuously growing, leading to environmental problems. The concept of Combined Transport (CT) might offer a means for ecological transport and establish more efficient freight transport corridors. However, its efficiency is often low. Therefore, the project AlpInnoCT worked on the improvement of processes and cooperation in CT networks, the integration of innovative approaches to foster shifts from road to rail and the enhancement of knowledge and reinforcement of participation possibilities for each stakeholder in freight transport. Thanks to AlpInnoCT, the Alpine Space has a “toolbox of action – handbook” providing solutions and approaches for Combined Transport in the Alpine Space.
- 2014 – 2020
- Low carbon
- Increase capacities for the delivery of services of general interest in a changing society
- Group 4: To promote intermodality and interoperability in passenger and freight transport
- 11/2016
- 01/2020
- 3.088.272 EUR
- 2.548.531 EUR
- Lead partner
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Munich
- Jürgen Neugebauer
- Juergen.Neugebauer@stmb.bayern.de
- Germany
- Oberpfalz
- Regensburg
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Aiging bei Traunstein
- Germany
- Köln
- Troisdorf
- Austria
- Kärnten
- Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
- Austria
- Wien
- Vienna
- Austria
- Vorarlberg
- Dornbirn
- Italy
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Trieste
- Italy
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Trieste
- Italy
- Veneto
- Verona
- Italy
- Veneto
- Venice
- Italy
- Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
- Bolzano
- Slovenia
- Vzhodna Slovenia
- Maribor
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Switzerland
- ZentralSwitzerland
- Altdorf
- 48.1548364511.550291318079802
- 49.01802259999999512.122098657152144
- 47.908515112.6165026
- 50.812334681560087.150562839536777
- 46.62176320000000414.311737343144316
- 48.210867316.3865879
- 47.409102899999999.738831549556004
- 45.63701513.7688901
- 45.649648513.7772781
- 45.41915846614555410.948580190134772
- 45.437190812.3345898
- 46.494530211.3472734
- 46.559417315.6392875
- 46.056618114.5095404
- 46.88296078.6407865
AlpInnoCT Toolbox of Action
ToolThe virtual Toolbox of Action provides information on how Combined Transport can be fostered in Europe and the Alpine Space for a successful shift of freight traffic, from road to rail.The virtual Toolbox of Action summarizes the main results and aims to provide information for political and economic decision makers and the civil society, on how Combined Transport can be fostered in Europe and the Alpine Space for a successful shift of freight traffic, from road to rail. -
AlpInnoCT Toolbox of Action – English
ToolThe Toolbox of Action translates technical/scientific findings of AlpInnoCT project into comprehensible language for all stakeholders.The Toolbox of Action translates technical/scientific findings of AlpInnoCT project into comprehensible language for all stakeholders. The Action Sheets, core of the Toolbox, were reviewed at “Dialogue Events” of the project, involving all identified stakeholders with a participatory approach. For the first time this approach tackles the problem of a lack of communication between different stakeholders of the system. The Toolbox was translated in all Alpine languages and English and was printed and presented during the Final Event in Bruxelles -
Analysis report of projects, policies, strategies and support measures in the field of CT
ToolThis technical report gives an overview about projects, policies, bodies and measures specifically referred to Combined Transport in the AS.This technical report gives an overview about projects, policies, bodies and measures specifically referred to Combined Transport in the AS. -
Data base and comparative analysis of CT and transhipment technologies for CT
ToolThis report identifies the processes of Combined Transport and provides an analysis of possible solutions with emerging technologies to overcome some of the technical barriers.As the category of Combined Transport is related to the whole supply chain, Combined Transport is essentially divided into maritime CT and continental CT. Based on the type of Combined Transport, processes of first mile, long haul and last mile vary. This report identifies these processes and provides an analysis of possible solutions with emerging technologies to overcome some of the technical barriers. Representing an overview of transhipment technologies, the report provides benefits and drawbacks of selected CT technologies, which are then joined according to the loading unit type (trailer, semitrailer, and container or swap bodies). -
Report of industry (production) development trends relevant for CT in the Alpine region
ToolThe report presents current methods, tools and approaches in modern industry, that could be applied in Combined Transport processes.Basic idea of the project AlpinnoCT is to analyse the basic principles of the manufacturing industry and use the efficient and successful proved management concepts for the development of the »European transport system«. The main aim of the report is to present current methods, tools and approaches in modern industry, that could be applied in Combined Transport processes. Analysis of development trends in industrial processes will raise awareness and create a common understanding/basis to develop innovative (more flexible & market-oriented) CT services in the Alpine Space. -
Description of the state of the art of the European transport system with focus on CT
ToolAn analysis of selected CT transport relations (Verona – Rostock and Trieste – Bettembourg) from origin to destination as well as transshipment terminals and ports.The aim of this study was to analyze selected CT transport relations (Verona – Rostock and Trieste – Bettembourg) from origin to destination as well as transshipment terminals and ports. For this purpose, all operational processes were examined. On the basis of the process descriptions of the combined transport as well as further expert interviews with ports and transshipment terminals, it was possible to identify key activities and uncover optimization potential within both the material flow and the information flow.