The Alpine area is composed of territories with contrasted demographic, social and economic trends as well as a broad variety of governance systems and traditions. The EU strategy for the Alpine region (EUSALP) aims at strengthening cooperation and synergies between the Alpine countries and regions. AlpGov supported the establishment of EUSALP by creating harmonised mechanisms for action group organisation, by mapping institutional frameworks, actors and funding schemes and by identifying and promoting actions with high leverage potential. Common challenges of the Alpine region can therefore be addressed in a more effective way.
- 2014 – 2020
- Well-Governed
- Increase the application of multilevel and transnational governance in the Alpine Space
- Group 1: To develop an effective research and innovation ecosystem
- Group 2: To increase the economic potential of strategic sectors
- Group 3: To improve the adequacy of labour market, education and training in strategic sectors
- Group 4: To promote intermodality and interoperability in passenger and freight transport
- Group 5: To connect people electronically and promote accessibility to public services
- Group 6: To preserve and valorise natural resources, including water and cultural resources
- Group 7: To develop ecological connectivity in the whole EUSALP territory
- Group 8: To improve risk management and to better manage climate change, including major natural risks prevention
- Group 9: To make the territory a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energy
- 01/2020
- 12/2022
- 3.003.077 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Lombardia
- Milano
- Barbara Fraschetta
- barbara_fraschetta@regione.lombardia.it
- France
- Île de France
- Paris
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Lyon Cedex
- Italy
- Provincia Autonoma di Trento
- Trento
- Austria
- Tirol
- Innsbruck
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Marseille cedex
- Italy
- Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
- Brissogne
- Switzerland
- Espace Mittelland
- Bern
- Austria
- Kärnten
- Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
- Austria
- Tirol
- Innsbruck
- Slovenia
- Extra-Regio NUTS 2
- Ljubljana
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- München
- Austria
- Wien
- Wien
- Italy
- Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
- Bolzano
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Villeurbanne
- 45.48604249.1959558
- 48.85019522.3079726
- 45.74094364.820184105769259
- 46.072192311.1212361
- 47.269789411.394904
- 43.301903255.375113415944163
- 45.72851997.4066634
- 47.24760957.6087285
- 46.61231460000000514.317608578197262
- 47.267281711.393566
- 46.048437514.4932309
- 48.152302311.6179431
- 48.207945816.3844132
- 46.498112511.3547801
- 45.77107124.8640858
Setting Up an EUSALP Learning Environment
StrategyObjective: Implementing the EUSALP Learning Environment modulesThe activity aimed to prototype, test and asses a Learning Environment for the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region EUSALP, designed as a module-based, innovative capacity building system empowering actors to implement the EUSALP Action Plan and the AGs work plans more effectively. The approach focussed on the capacity building needs of the key target groups and with the objective to transfer and improve the results into activities beyond AlpGov 2. -
Joint Paper on Spatial Planning
StrategyObjective: Developing and embedding strategic (sectoral & cross-sectoral) initiativesThe Joint Paper on Spatial Planning aims at outlining and promoting a common spatial perspective for the Alpine region by all territorial authorities’ representatives involved in the MRS, sketching a common path for sharing outputs and implementation initiatives. The Paper should represent a starting point for strengthening a resilient and eco-competitive Alpine region, giving technical directives and guidelines for stakeholders and territorial authorities and triggering for operative actions, according to the AGs activities and the EUSALP Action Plans, also in coordination with other Bodies and initiatives. -
EUSALP Innovation Facility
StrategyObjective: Developing and embedding strategic (sectoral & cross-sectoral) initiativesThe EUSALP Innovation Facility study provides assessment of the feasibility of a specific and flexible funding opportunity separate from other funding programmes, exploring potential frame-conditions how to mobilize further funding sources for short time, dynamic and cross-sectoral funding requirements for serving a wide range of potential and varied beneficiaries – also considering private financial support such as enterprises or foundations. -
Guideline with a set of common targets and indicators to monitor the embedding of strategic implementation initiatives
StrategyObjective: Analysing and monitoring of implementation initiativesThe study provides a set of 13 common output and results indicators able to capture the different activity outputs and results of the projects undertaken by the EUSALP AGs and under the cross-cutting policy area and allow classification of the projects according to its indicators:- Awareness-raising / communication
- Stakeholder participatory engagement
- Knowledge Building & Transfer, Capacity Building
- Transnational cooperation & coordination
- Trans-sectoral coordination
- Information/Knowledge Platform
- Political commitment
- Policy Recommendations & Guidelines
- Strategic Framework/Planning
- Common Framework for recognition /certification /standardisation /code of ethics /quality label
- Testing and piloting
- Embedding and programming
Policy recommendation document
StrategyObjective: Developing policy recommendationThe document gives an overview of the recommendations resulting from the sectoral and the cross-cutting initiatives of the EUSALP AGs (projects, research, studies), and are meant to address different political levels from local level up to European level. The recommendations aim also to make the results and outcomes of EUSALP better known and to transfer the findings and work of the EUSALP AGs into the policy cycle. -
Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps
StrategyObjective: CAPA PortalThe CAPA portal is a knowledge platform (maintained by the EUSALP AG8) providing information and support about adaptation to climate change in the Alps. It is significant for Alpine territories from local to transnational scale, it is targeted to policy and decision makers, entrepreneurs, researchers and experts. It provides quality-checked information in French, German, Italian, Slovenian and English through a comprehensive search inventory organized in thematic clusters of know-how needed for all steps of the adaptation process cycle, including:- Future climate scenarios
- Climate change impacts, vulnerabilities, risks
- Adaptation policies (strategies, action plans, legislation, policy studies)
- Adaptation options (measures, recommended actions)
- Tools (manuals, guidance, methods, work aids)
- Adaptation in practice (implemented measures, case studies)
- Monitoring & evaluation
Concept Paper of the Roadshow
StrategyObjective: Roadshow ConceptThe document outlines the Roadshow, whose idea is to make the EUSALP more tangible for citizens. With Roadshows covering all Alpine countries, local and regional stakeholders as well as the civil society can be addressed in a vivid, direct and easy-going way. Thanks to a modular layout, each Roadshow can spread the EUSALP vision (the MRS creates sustainable solutions for the benefits of the citizens and brings governments closer to the people) as well as site-specific initiatives, able to involve and attract citizens and young people. The Roadshow has been coordinated by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, in close collaboration with the various AGs and the EUSALP/AlpGov2 communication team. -
Recommendations for strengthening local wood supply chains
StrategyObjective: Developing policy recommendationThe Recommendations for strengthening local wood supply chains outlines a set of recommendations for strengthening local wood supply chains, based on a governance analysis, a literature review, and the opinion of key stakeholders. The governance analysis drafts the characteristics of the Alpine forests and the prevailing form of ownership, identifies several practices in the aggregation of forest ownership and timber supply chains as well as other typologies of aggregation of forest producers, also in relation to the perspective of the new EU Forest Strategy 2030. The interpretation of the socio-economic indicators (enterprise density and employment density in the wood industry), the interviews with some actors and the analysis of the scientific literature provides strategic indications categorized according to the following six dimensions: public policies, structure of the supply chain, issue of data, structures of companies and land ownership, main actors and the role of communication. -
Strategic sectoral initiative: A-RING Project
StrategyObjective: Developing and embedding strategic sectoral initiativesA-RING project aims to tackle the major challenges with joint R&I approach steering EU Open Innovation path and foster the alignment between different R&I policy initiatives and institutional frameworks to effectively address societal challenges. The initiative is in line with the AG1 objectives of elaborating the R&I agenda for the Alpine Region and exploring how to foster and promote the alignment and coordination of R&I initiatives / measures. The results of the project are also the background for the Strategic Policy Area Innovation Hub for Green Business, developed in AlpGov2 project together with Lombardy Region and AG2. -
Strategic sectoral initiative: Open Data
StrategyObjective: Developing and embedding strategic sectoral initiativesThe Open Data initiative is focused on identifying leaders, policies and legislation framework on privacy, data protection, information access rights, disclosure policy and status of data and datasets, analysing the demand for open data and studying the technical infrastructure. The strategic initiative on Open Data regards the integration of initiatives which are truly cross-sectoral in their nature and coherent with the EUSALP strategy across all three thematic policy areas: innovation and sustainable growth, mobility and connectivity, environment and energy.