Rural and mountain areas suffer from depopulation and economic decline due to a lack of (public) services and digital infrastructure and skills. Digitalisation represents a major opportunity for these regions to increase their attractiveness as places to work and live, compared to urban centres. SmartCommUnity aims to create a transnational community to change both the practices and perceptions of smart rural areas. In close cooperation with the European Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), the project partners will facilitate capacity building of rural areas, promote existing digital tools and solutions and develop innovative and interactive digital tools to foster the "smart transition" of Alpine areas, taking into account community and sustainability aspects.
- 2021 – 2027
- Innovation and digitalisation supporting a green Alpine region
- SO 3.2 - Reaping the benefits of digitisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities
- AG5 Connectivity & accessibility
- AG9 Energy efficiency and renewable energy
- 11/2022
- 10/2025
- 2.960.288 EUR
- 1.882.601 EUR
Europe’s rural and mountain areas, both in perceptions and in practice, still lack urban areas’ level of attractiveness to work and live, the same level of (public) services, the same level of innovation in the economy and the same awareness of their own assets. This is mostly due to a lack of digital infrastructure, a lack of high-level (public) services, a gap in digital skills and competences, a lack of tailored smart actions and policies and a subsequent lack of economic opportunities that often result in instances of depopulation and economic decline. Digitalization is an opportunity for rural and mountain areas to catch up with the assets urban centres have.
The SmartCommUnity project aims to support Alpine rural areas, using all the benefits of digitalization, embracing smart transitions and creating a functional transnational community within EUSALP AG5 Smart Alps. Interactive and user-friendly digital tools enhancing transnational matchmaking and leading-by example will empower new areas to follow more advanced areas, and territories will develop a community approach to create smarter, greener, more sustainable, resilient, and attractive rural areas.
In particular the SmartCommUnity project aims to:
Experiment innovative solutions for the smart transition of the test areas and inspire additional areas in the partner and other Alpine regions to follow suit, via a strong regional approach of Lighthouse Test Areas working closely with selected Follower Test areas;
Closely work with all Test Areas at EUSALP level, facilitating the uptake of the smart community concept in regional, national and European policies and fostering a sense of a structured Alpine community with common challenges and visions;
Develop new digital tools to facilitate matchmaking, networking, and engagement activities in search of locally-tailored and led smart solutions, such as gamification and civic tech (WPIT);
Change perceptions and create a smart vision for the Alps, and effectively communicating the opportunities and results in the Alps and beyond for more areas to join in.
- Lead partner
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
- Ljubljana
- Jure Trilar
- jure.trilar@fe.uni-lj.si
- Italy
- Lombardia (ITC4)
- Milano
- Gianluca Lentini
- gianluca.lentini@polimi.it
- Italy
- Liguria (ITC3)
- Genova
- Augusto Astengo
- info@appenninogenovese.it
- Austria
- Tirol (AT33)
- Tyrol
- Julia Scharting
- Julia.Scharting@standort-tirol.at
- Germany
- Freiburg (DE13)
- Freiburg im Breisgau
- Anna Beyrle
- beyrle@rvso.de
- Slovenia
- Vzhodna Slovenija (SI03)
- Murska Sobota
- Darja Kukovič
- darja.kukovic@itc-cluster.com
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (FRL0)
- Gap
- Noémie Lechat
- nlechat@adrets-asso.fr
- Italy
- Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste (ITC2)
- Brissogne
- Carlo Vigna
- ca.vigna@regione.vda.it
- Switzerland
- Espace Mittelland (CH02)
- Bern
- Peter Niederer
- Peter.niederer@sab.ch
- Austria
- Niederösterreich (AT12)
- St. Pölten
- Tino Blondiau
- Tino.blondiau@enu.at
- Austria
- Oberösterreich (AT31)
- Hagenberg
- Mario Pichler
- Mario.pichler@scch.at
- Switzerland
- Zentralschweiz (CH06)
- Wolhusen
- Alexander Siegenthaler
- a.siegenthaler@regionwest.ch
- Italy
- Liguria (ITC3)
- Genoa
- Annalisa Cevasco
- annalisa.cevasco@anciliguria.eu
- 46.04898975000000414.503956692895823
- 45.46419439.1896346
- 44.40764328.9330596
- 47.267921511.4009453
- 47.9876952000000057.858678886111111
- 46.664514816.165426527881323
- 44.55684846.0784421
- 45.72851997.4066634
- 46.94680587.4353275
- 48.206629615.6255916
- 48.370105914.5137839
- 47.05882868.0734012
- 44.407268.9338624
SmartCommUnity's Integration with EUSALP AG5 SmartAlps
SmartCommUnity project 's solution revolves around creating a robust link with AG5 Smart Alps, expanding its scope, and reinforcing the community-led voice of rural and mountain areas within EUSALP. The initiative aims to deepen engagement with the EUSALP Youth Council and AG9 on energy matters, fostering a holistic approach to community development. The overarching goal is to empower Alpine communities through a comprehensive strategy that addresses connectivity and sustainable growth.
Pilot actions in Test Areas and Follower Test Areas
In the realm of SmartCommUnity, the Test Activities and Networking (WPTAN) working package emerges as a dynamic force, focused on steering smart community-led transitions within Test Areas. This strategic initiative aims not only to cultivate activities for smart transitions in the 6 Smart Dimensions but also to create robust networks linking advanced and less advanced TAs within each participating country. As a pivotal component, WPTAN seeks to bridge the divide between regions by fostering collaboration on a national and regional level, ultimately coalescing into the influential EUSALP AG5 Smart Alps network. Pilot actions will be structured in a consistent way in the project with the organisation and involvement of Regional Stakeholder Groups.
SmartCommUnity Innovation Platform
WPIT aims to leverage the innovative tools established in SmartVillages, working towards the creation of a comprehensive SmartCommUnity Innovation Platform. This new metodology builds upon earlier initiatives like DEP and Toolbox, serving as a unified transnational hub for the Regional Stakeholders Groups (RSGs) of the Test Areas (TAs). It incorporates the storyline of various smart actions and caters to diverse target groups, including higher education and research, public authorities, interest groups, and the general public. Special emphasis will be placed on addressing data protection concerns and ensuring the sustained ownership and durability of the innovation platform.