Smart manufacturing for Alpine Space SMEs


Apart from financial services, the EU manufacturing sector is the second largest in terms of employees and turnover. In the field of industrial production, the contribution of digital technologies is crucial to remain competitive with emerging markets. They must be adapted to the specificity of the Alpine industry in terms of production, logistics, assistance, quality and safety. In turn, smart manufacturing technologies can help companies to become more competitive, productive and safe. In order to promote smart digital solutions for the traditional industrial sectors, SMART-SPACE defined an Alpine Smart manufacturing strategy and built a digital innovation hub to support Alpine SMEs.


  • 2014 – 2020
  • Innovative
  • Improve the framework conditions for innovation in the Alpine space
    • Group 1: To develop an effective research and innovation ecosystem
    • Group 2: To increase the economic potential of strategic sectors
  • 11/2016
  • 03/2020
  • 2.381.927 EUR
  • 2.024.638 EUR


  • 45.437190812.3345898
  • 48.58170747.7601976
  • 43.30466125.3670337
  • 46.049382114.4607368
  • 48.0144918999999967.844629914006314
  • 47.814416413.0446147
  • 45.46419439.1896346
  • 47.867467812.1072215
  • 45.075974557.629694683867587
  • 45.74299864.8253834
  • 48.224484916.3985761
  • 45.440312.3210759
  • 45.481170912.2397851


  • SMART SPACE strategy to strengthen AS SMEs' digitisation processes

    Smart Space strategy contains strategic actions to reinforce the cooperation and the collaborations within the Alpine Space area on the topic of digitization of traditional SMEs.
    The Smart Space Strategy has been built on 4 pillars, with a list of actions and expected outputs for each of the pillars.

  • Alpine Strategic Partnership

    The Alpine Strategic Partnership includes both the project partners and any other interested public and private partners in order to strengthen the digitization process within the Alpine Space.
    One of the main results of the SMART SPACE project is to create a strategic partnership that could include both the project partners and other public and private partners in order to strengthen the digitization process within the Alpine Space and, if possible, to expand the partnership to further economic and social actors. This document aims to illustrate the efforts made by the project partners in creating a durable partnership. Furthermore, the post-project phase is illustrated, as well as its integration with further projects of the ALPINE SPACE. The document lays the foundations for the continuation of the strategies and tools related to the actions of the SMART SPACE project, showing the points of contact with other programs that reflect the results and collaborations that took place during the project.

  • Alpine Digital Innovation HUB (Alpine-DIH)

    SMART-SPACE has developed a collaborative platform, to enhance the cooperation of the Alpine Space manufacturing innovation ecosystem. The platform is conceived as a one-stop-shop to strengthen and support SMEs in the Digital Innovation Processes in order to increase their competitiveness. It represents the entry point to a powerful interregional network of innovation stakeholders, that will benefit from a set of tools and services conceived to support Policy Makers, Intermediaries and SMEs in undertaking the digitization path and increase the competitiveness of the Alpine Space area, building up the so-called “Alpine Space Digital Hub”.