The Alpine Space is home to several of the most economically dynamic and innovative regions in Europe. Nevertheless, in the field of entrepreneurship, it does not fulfil its transnational competitive potential compared to other European hubs. SCALE(up)ALPS improved support services for Alpine Space start-ups, to help them in the delicate upscaling phase. It aimed at turning the Alpine Space into a hub for scale-ups and therefore making it more attractive and competitive.
- 2014 – 2020
- Innovative
- Improve the framework conditions for innovation in the Alpine space
- Group 1: To develop an effective research and innovation ecosystem
- Group 2: To increase the economic potential of strategic sectors
- 11/2016
- 10/2019
- 1.793.945 EUR
- 1.424.602 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Nicoletta Marchiandi Quatraro
- scalealps@to.camcom.it
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Italy
- Veneto
- Venezia Mestre
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Garching
- Switzerland
- Ticino
- Lugano
- Austria
- Kärnten
- Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
- Austria
- NiederAustria
- Krems
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Nice Cedex
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Marseille
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- 45.06687797.6850168
- 45.06879737.662731
- 45.481170912.2397851
- 46.042791414.4876075
- 46.049382114.4607368
- 48.26778811.6658537
- 46.00501028.9520281
- 46.624511314.3136147
- 48.412971815.599955493935418
- 43.704157.275177637275622
- 43.30466125.3670337
- 46.050026814.5069289
Alpine Space Scale up open platform
ToolOpen online networking platform to promote dialogue, engagement and support solutions for growth opportunities. A database for start-ups and scale-ups interested in cooperating in the Alps is also available.SCALE(up)ALPS aims to establish the Alpine Space as an innovative hub on the international level. The project focuses on one of the most critical phases of the enterprise lifecycle: the SCALING UP phase. On the home page, go to ‘Admissions’ to connect to others across Europe, as well as find out about EU funding and legislation. You can find out about events across Europe in our Events Calendar, as well as read about opportunities in the News section. In a fews months, read our interviews with successful startups and see pictures from previous events in the New section.