The Alpine Space hosts a great variety of spaces connecting mountain ecosystems and urban centres (e.g. orchards, forests, rivers). Each of these natural or semi-natural spaces, also called green infrastructures, bring environmental, economical and societal benefits and ecosystem services: supply of food, water, recreation areas, and climate regulation. LUIGI explored those ecosystem services and strengthened the link between mountain ecosystems and urban centres at the foot of the Alps, based on sound economic and social exchanges. The project supported the recognition and valorisation of joint benefits deriving from a green infrastructure network between mountain/rural and urban areas as well as their potential for a sustainable economic development.
- 2014 – 2020
- Liveable
- Enhance the protection, the conservation and the ecological connectivity of Alpine Space ecosystems
- Group 7: To develop ecological connectivity in the whole EUSALP territory
- 10/2019
- 06/2022
- 2.534.453 EUR
- 1.986.706 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Lombardia
- Milano
- Daniele Zucchelli
- d.zucchelli@cittametropolitana.mi.it
- Italy
- Lombardia
- Seveso
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Italy
- Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
- Bolzano
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Munchen
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Freising
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Grenoble cedex
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Chambéry
- Austria
- Burgenland (AT)
- Bad Tatzmannsdorf
- Austria
- Salzburg
- Salzburg
- Switzerland
- OstSwitzerland
- Zernez
- Switzerland
- NordwestSwitzerland
- Frick
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Idrija
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Grenoble
- 45.46773919.2042532
- 45.64346559.1373787
- 45.06879737.662731
- 46.494530211.3472734
- 48.146273711.5790236
- 48.397882711.7261231
- 45.1889935.7395548
- 45.5638749999999965.925742711213934
- 47.34815455000000416.222155305844744
- 47.82263313.0391533
- 46.697548610.0938884
- 47.51684658.0248369
- 46.06067394999999514.518476205129538
- 46.000974814.0211003
- 45.1904285.71336
Spotlight the multiple benefits (ecological, economic, social and cultural) of GI as "common natural capital" and ESS providers
StrategyState of the art & guidelines for conserving and enhancing multiple ESS provision from GIs -
Tools and mechanisms for enhancing value chains for a more effective cooperation between urban and rural areas
StrategyIdentification and test of ESS stock exchange model methodology -
Participatory and governance approaches for spatial development of GI in the pilot regions of LUIGI
StrategyModules for participatory GI maintenance implemented by a co-creation rocess in the pilot regions -
Education and training for sustainable GIs management and ESS provision
StrategyOverview of present education and knowledge transfer mechanisms on GI -
Education and training for sustainable GIs management and ESS provision
StrategyImprovements in trainings and teaching assuring sustainable GI development and ESS provision -
Knowledge transfer to policy makers and integration with transnational networks
StrategyCapacity building module on GIs enhancement and ESS valorization