Land use pressure is dramatically increasing as Alpine cities grow and transform. In a metropolis like Munich, around 8.500 flats are built every year to accommodate the 10-15.000 new inhabitants of the metropolitan area. Therefore, green spaces in and around cities are in high demand for a variety of uses. LOS_DAMA! unleashed the potential of peri-urban green infrastructure for sustainable development, by improving governance and planning in this domain. The project partners cooperated to protect liveable open spaces while also connecting people and green spaces throughout the Alpine region.
- 2014 – 2020
- Liveable
- Sustainably valorise Alpine Space cultural and natural heritage
- Group 7: To develop ecological connectivity in the whole EUSALP territory
- 11/2016
- 12/2019
- 2.598.520 EUR
- 2.208.742 EUR
- Lead partner
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Munich
- Franziska Drasdo
- franziska.drasdo@muenchen.de
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Grenoble
- Austria
- Wien
- Wien
- Austria
- Salzburg
- Salzburg
- Italy
- Provincia Autonoma di Trento
- Trento
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Munich
- Germany
- Tübingen
- Tübingen
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Saint-Martin-d'Hères
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- Freising
- 48.132239811.570833747089948
- 45.18874315.7391967
- 48.211872616.3568221
- 47.82263313.0391533
- 46.069045811.1212784
- 45.07264717.6678075
- 46.042281814.5073676
- 48.14955455000000511.567753141783761
- 48.52361649.0535531
- 45.18366835.75448
- 48.3956668511.73134218991483
LOS_DAMA! Compendium
StrategyThe LOS_DAMA! compendium gives a detailed insight into the challenges LOS_DAMA! Project Partners faced during the implementation of local pilot activities to enhance Green Infrastructure for better living in city regions.Within LOS_DAMA! 7 cities, institutes and metropolitan regions developed and implemented local pilot projects in the following city regions: Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Ljubljana, Trrento, Turin and Grenoble. A detailed description of the local activities is published in the LOS_DAMA! compendium and linked with the tools used for implementation. In addition overall challenges of enhancing Green Infrastructure in the Alpine Space are explained followed by the solutions of Project Partners in the different plannign contexts. -
LOS_DAMA! Alpine city network
NetworkTransnational cooperation network aiming at protecting open spaces and landscapes in and around the Alpine cities and to develop them further as green infrastructure.Cities and metropolitan authorities in the Alpine region engage to improve the development, design and maintenance of peri-urban green spaces and landscapes, acknowledging the importance of their qualities and functions for urban areas and for the Alpine region as a whole In this memorandum, they declare their commitment to provide a durable basis for collaboration between the above-mentioned partners in striving to protect, enhance and sustainably manage our open spaces as landscapes and as green infrastructure. -
LOS_DAMA! Toolbox
ToolThe LOS_DAMA! toolbox is a ready to apply publication that carved out transferable tools for practitioners to enhance Green Infrastructure in peri-ruban city regions.Within LOS_DAMA! 7 cities, institutes and metropolitan regions developed and implemented local pilot projects in the following city regions: Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Ljubljana, Trrento, Turin and Grenoble. 38 informal tools were developed to enhance Green Infrastructure in peri-urban city regions. As the main challenges varied in each city regions, the developed tools have different aims and were clustered in the following groups: 1) raising awareness tools 2) analysis tools 3) collaboration support tools 4) plan, planning and implementation tools and 5) process-supporting tools. The tools contain experiences and tips for application and are transferable and easy to apply for different contexts. -
LOS_DAMA! Public Synthesis Report
ToolThe LOS_DAMA! synthesis report offers technical insights for highly skilled practitioners and researchersThe following three universities were partners of LOS_DAMA!: Technical University Munich (Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management), Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen (Chair for Urban and Regional Development) and University Grenoble-Alpés (Institute for Alpine Town Planning and Geography). As knowledge partners they peer-reviewed the approaches of the 7 LOS_DAMA! cities, institutes and metropolitan regions to enhance Green Infrastructure in city regions. The Public Synthesis Report contains a short presentation of the universities and their fields of action, an overview on educational workshops and studios as well as the LOS_DAMA! Autumn School and academic contributions. -
LOS_DAMA! Policy recommendations
StrategyThe LOS_DAMA!policy recommendations for local level contain an analysis of governance systems of LOS_DAMA! partners and recommedations for the local and regional level to enhance Green Infrastructure for better living in city regions.Within LOS_DAMA! 7 cities, institutes and metropolitan regions developed and implemented local pilot projects in the following city regions: Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Ljubljana, Trrento, Turin and Grenoble. The University of Grenoble-Alpes and the City of Trento analyzed the implementattion processes including the governance system, a SWOT analysis (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and stakeholder involvement. The publication contains pilot profiles for each of the 7 regions and specific and general recommendations how to better implement Green Infrastructure on the local and regional level.