Services of general interest such as postal services, social security, employment services and social housing are essential for a good quality of life in the Alpine regions. However, public authorities and service providers tend to manage them by sectors, which the exploitation of potential synergies and the optimal use of public funds. INTESI aimed to ensure the provision of services of general interest in areas where demographic changes make a sectoral approach irrelevant. It has developed integrated strategies and policies that build on the synergies between different services.
- 2014 – 2020
- Innovative
- Increase options for low carbon mobility and transport
- Group 5: To connect people electronically and promote accessibility to public services
- 12/2015
- 12/2018
- 1.938.639 EUR
- 1.501.473 EUR
- Lead partner
- Switzerland
- Espace Mittelland
- Bern
- Peter Niederer
- peter.niederer@sab.ch
- Austria
- Tirol
- Innsbruck
- Austria
- Kärnten
- Klagenfurt
- Austria
- Kärnten
- Klagenfurt
- Italy
- Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
- Bolzano
- Italy
- Lombardia
- Milano
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Lyon Cedex
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Gap Cedex
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Switzerland
- Espace Mittelland
- Delémont
- 46.94680587.4353275
- 47.26195244999999511.397072092879615
- 46.62176320000000414.311737343144316
- 46.616540514.3125155
- 46.494530211.3472734
- 45.48604249.1959558
- 45.74063514.8198992
- 44.56196356.0786986
- 46.04898975000000414.503956692895823
- 47.36531337.344994257705775
INTESI Handbook
StrategyThe relevant INTESI conclusions are summarised in one single and easy to read handbook on the topic of integrated, territorial services of general interest (SGI). -
Think tank
NetworkThe Alpine Think Tank is a platform for the exchange of experiences on service of general interests (SGI) provision across the Alps.It identifies upcoming challenges for SGI in the Alps and the searches for (transnational) solutions. The Think Tank discusses about policy recommendations and reflects the work of projects or initiatives in the field of SGI and proposes solutions on a technical and political level. -
ToolAll strategies relevant for SGI (transnational, national, regional and intercommunal level) in the alpine space are available in the database.