Home is the best place to grow old, but ageing in isolated areas can be challenging. The CoNSENSo project made this dream come true thanks to the family and community nurses. During the project, 31 specially trained nurses attended to 4.878 seniors across the Alps. While assessing social and health needs, they organised support, boosting the resources and networks already present on the territory. The knowledge and networks developed during the project were especially useful to some of the participating municipalities during the COVID-19 emergency, allowing them to quickly organise the delivery of food, medicines and essential goods as well as relieve the loneliness of some older people through regular phone calls.
- 2014 – 2020
- Innovative
- Increase options for low carbon mobility and transport
- Group 5: To connect people electronically and promote accessibility to public services
- 12/2015
- 12/2018
- 2.052.400 EUR
- 1.744.540 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Silvia Rizzi
- consenso@regione.piemonte.it
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Italy
- Liguria
- Genova
- Italy
- Liguria
- Genova
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Toulon Cedex
- France
- Alsace
- La Walck
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Izola
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Austria
- Kärnten
- Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
- Austria
- Kärnten
- Karnburg - Maria Saal
- 45.07167297.6847021
- 45.07579517.6782032
- 44.40385118.9355393
- 44.41108688.9377384
- 43.12641885.936783
- 48.85210367.6106612
- 45.539033613.6710102
- 46.047900614.4936828
- 46.62176320000000414.311737343144316
- 46.6878426514.309022930223572
CoNSENSo Training Model
ToolJoint transnational training model, contents and tools for Family and Community nurses promoting a model of elderly care at home. -
CoNSENSo Model care for the elderly and FCN Model validation
ToolA model of care for the elderly based on FCNs capitalising on the results produced and evaluated through the test phase. -
CoNSENSo social business model
ToolSocial business model to guide social enterprise start-ups in the field of elderly care. -
CoNSENSo policy guidelines and tool kit
StrategyPolicy guidelines in the context of a transnational governance model for community based socio-health services for elderly citizens