Due to globalisation, many small and medium enterprises in the manufacturing sectors have difficulties with their competitiveness and, in addition, are confronted with emerging Industry 4.0 and Factory of the Future technologies. BIFOCAlps worked to increase collaboration and synergies among the main actors of the Alpine region innovation system to boost innovation for a sustainable, smart and competitive development of the manufacturing value chain towards the Factory of the Future. Amongst others, the project created a map of the manufacturing sector at transnational level to understand existing and potential good and best practices, technologies and competences along the value chain. Moreover, BIFOCAlps established guidelines of strategic actions for influencing policy agenda based on an impact indicator system, to monitor and allow the evaluation of performance in line with harmonisation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3).
- 2014 – 2020
- Innovative
- Improve the framework conditions for innovation in the Alpine space
- Group 1: To develop an effective research and innovation ecosystem
- Group 2: To increase the economic potential of strategic sectors
- 11/2016
- 11/2018
- 1.619.240 EUR
- 1.376.363 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Pordenone
- Massimiliano Bertetti
- massimiliano.bertetti@polo.pn.it
- Italy
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Udine
- Austria
- Wien
- Wien
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Italy
- Lombardia
- Milano
- Austria
- Vorarlberg
- Dornbirn
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Tolmin
- Germany
- Freiburg
- Freiburg
- Germany
- Oberbayern
- München
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Grenoble
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Saint-Etienne
- 45.986076712.6430806
- 46.081184213.2119706
- 48.1913947516.37358351051085
- 46.049382114.4607368
- 45.46419439.1896346
- 47.40658139.744216731866953
- 46.1815720513.727703943329221
- 48.01129487.836614842373063
- 48.1299611.5309879
- 45.1907485.717377
- 45.42712484.4045778
Manufacturing sector map at transnational level
ToolBIFOCAlps developed a framework on the Factory of the Future scenario in the Alpine Space.BIFOCAlps developed a framework on the Factory of the Future scenario in the Alpine Space highlighting visions, priorities, actors and key research issues at each regional level. It started from the definition of drivers, mega-trends, enabling technologies and challenges affecting the manufacturing sector. Then the national initiatives for the implementation of the Factory of the Future in the countries involved in the project (Austria, France, Italy, Germany and Slovenia) has been analysed and compared. Finally, the manufacturing priorities and competencies defined in each of the different Alpine Space regions were described according to particular Smart Specialization strategies and areas. Further information: please visit BIFOCAlps' homepage and watch the video H: https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/bifocalps/en/project-results/outputs/manufacturing-sector-map V: https://youtu.be/j0GnQ2ilsGU -
Methodology to stimulate innovation processes
ToolThis methodology provides a system of selected Key Performance Indicators to track the impact of the adoption of Factory of the Future technologies and practices in manufacturing enterprises.The methodology to stimulate innovation processes within the Factory of the Future was developed within BIFOCAlps thematic work packages 2 & 3. Especially in work package 3, the developed methodology got validated and improved with the integration of BIFOCAlps impact indicators system. This methodology now provides a system of selected Key Performance Indicators to track the impact of the adoption of Factory of the Future technologies and practices in manufacturing enterprises. Combining qualitative as well as quantitative indicators, the impact indicator system allows tracking these impacts on various levels of the manufacturing value chain. Further information: please visit BIFOCAlps' homepage and watch the video H: https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/bifocalps/en/project-results/outputs/methodolgy-to-stimulate-innovation-processes V: https://youtu.be/f2FkEuJWJ_M -
Strategic policy agenda setting
StrategyThis document exposes some of the most relevant conclusions of the project from the side of SMEs, who are actually seen as main target group for many regional and national incentives toward FoF.Activities within this work package were focusing on demands and needs of SME’s. This WP exposed some of the most relevant conclusions of the project from the side of SME’s companies, who are actually seen as main target group for many regional and national incentives toward FoF. Last but not least, we should stress the following message of the BIFOCAlps project; that most of the incentives are technology oriented, but main challenge of the FoF in future knowledge and skills connected with the FoF. Further information: please visit BIFOCAlps' homepage and watch the video H: https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/bifocalps/en/project-results/outputs/guidelines-of-strategic-actions V: https://youtu.be/en0Zsnfg8VM -
Set of indicators for evaluating impact of FoF technologies and practices adoption
ToolThe impact indicator system provides both measurable indicators and qualitative impact indicators to enable the tracking of improvements regarding the transfer and adoption of FoF practices in a holistic picture.The impact indicator system, which combines a set of metrics, has to provide both measurable indicators and qualitative impact indicators to enable the tracking of improvements regarding the transfer and adoption of FoF practices in a holistic picture. A target of this indicator system is the ability to follow these improvements especially on the long run after the end of this project and to increase the transparency of the progresses regarding FoF-adoption in the Alpine Space. This allows policy makers as well as companies to benchmark their activities and analyze their potentials and progresses.