Did you know that, when misused, biomass burning emits dangerous particulate matter? Yet, this renewable energy source from plants and animals is abundant in the Alps and could increase the energy self-sufficiency of the region. BB-CLEAN developed transnational policies for a sustainable use of biomass for domestic heating, minimising the impacts of biomass burning on natural ecosystems, human health and climate change. The project helped to raise awareness on the effects of biomass burning on health and the environment.
- 2014 – 2020
- Low carbon
- Establish transnationally integrated low carbon policy instruments
- Group 9: To make the territory a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energy
- 04/2018
- 04/2021
- 1.665.715 EUR
- 1.415.858 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Lombardia
- Milano
- Giacomo Alessandro Gerosa
- mariangela.aloe@unicatt.it
- Italy
- Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
- St. Christophe
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Passy
- France
- Rhône-Alpes
- Bron
- Slovenia
- Vzhodna Slovenia
- Velenje
- Slovenia
- Vzhodna Slovenia
- Ptuj
- Austria
- Steiermark
- Kapfenberg
- Germany
- Köln
- Pulheim
- 45.46185439.177056282599018
- 45.74000977.354646
- 45.92348866.6859905
- 45.73844744.9318048
- 46.3586836515.115294599597613
- 46.41779384999999515.874832466351261
- 47.440548115.2901669
- 51.008392156.805231743500821
Biomass chain knowledge platform
ToolThe biomass chain knowledge platform is intended to be information base for the development of all other project activities and as an awareness raising tool for public and private stakeholders and will contribute to better linking between the different actors involved in the biomass chain.The platform is a comprehensive repository of knowledge composed by six different documents touching all topics related to the biomass chain: from the biomass production, with a special focus on local availability and main market characteristics in project pilot areas, to the biomass burning carbon emissions in domestic heating, with particular regards to their impact on air quality in Alpine regions. -
Crowdsourcing platforms with participants from various regions and countries
ToolThe goal of innovative crowdsourcing approach is to facilitate an unique way to involve citizens and local stakeholders at different levels to discuss their challenges and to be aware of the potential effect of biomass burning in their regions.A crowdsourcing platform gives various stakeholders, especially citizens and local administrators the possibility to share their direct experience, discuss challenges, find solutions and attract interest on the critical aspects of biomass burning for domestic heating.