In the autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, 34% of the population is over 60. The picture is similar in the whole Alpine Space, and especially in the mountain areas. However, policies for a healthy and active ageing are often managed by healthcare authorities at local level. ASTHAG focused on the need for cooperation in policy-making for the elderly. It established a transnational governance board for the coordination and assessment of regional policies and published a portfolio of good practices and innovations to promote active and healthy ageing in each territory.
- 2014 – 2020
- Well-Governed
- Increase the application of multilevel and transnational governance in the Alpine Space
- Group 1: To develop an effective research and innovation ecosystem
- Group 5: To connect people electronically and promote accessibility to public services
- 04/2018
- 04/2021
- 1.192.209 EUR
- 916.860 EUR
- 45.648360713.7643583
- 45.6573378513.829574180642144
- 46.090554211.1189413
- 48.218463716.3625699
- 43.28886275.3800719
- 46.051559914.506728651906812
- 46.139321812.2083146
- 46.21607126.1482254
- 47.79712720000000613.048253589923362

The ASTAHG project created a Transnational Governance Board (Output OT1.1) with the aim to gather public/private actors from different levels/sectors/territorial specificities who impact on the AHA of AS population.Download
Starting from the categories of the 4Helix paradigm (PAs, academia, communities and business), a logic classification of the governance approaches and actors involved was developed, taking into account information on AS governance models and initiatives implementation on AHA, including level of the governance (national/regional/local), sector, faced problem, territorial context (urban, mountain and rural area) and other features that can emerge from the data gathering of WP3.Download
This work package developped a methodology to assess the impact of AHA governance, monitor the progress and identify remaining challenges. The activity will adapt the current AAI into a comprehensive tool for needs and impact assessment of AHA governance, based on: *multiple criteria relevant for decision making in AHA governance; *stakeholder preferences (and variation therein), reflected in weights between relevant criteria; *specific indicators to represent the peculiarity in the AS area.Download
This work package will understand how Alpine Space (AS) regions face the ageing population trend and which governance models have significant impact. Information on governance models will be gathered and assessed, using methodology for AHA governance assessment tools. Input and feedback will come from meetings in Transnational board meeting and events. Most innovative initiatives will be identified with methodology fr AHA governance assessment metrics. Communication activities like publications, digital activities and publics events will support raising awareness and disseminating the knowledge gathered and validated in this WP.Download
DownloadThe 4th December 2019 the ASTAHG project organised the European midterm conference: "Initiatives and public policies for the active and healthy ageing in the Alpine Space". You will find below the programme, the slideshows of the speakers, as well as the report in English and French.