On the occasion of the World Earth Day 2023 (Saturday. April 22nd), we organized a day of collaboration and participation in Sarmede (TV, Italy), dedicated to six 1st grade classes of the middle school of IC Cappella Maggiore, their parents and teachers, along with representatives of local administrations, associations and cultural institutions.
This event was part of I-SWAMP first experience with schools in Italy, giving us the opportunity to test lectures and workshops and communicate the importance of Alpine wetlands to students, parents and local stakeholders.
Thanks to the teamwork among the stakeholders, the morning dedicated to the event offered a rich set of activities and content, structured in a different and engaging way.
The children were involved in a series of workshops and hands-on activities, in which, for example, they created seed bombs, which were then distributed at the end of the event. Some children also tried their hand at drawing, putting their idea of a green and sustainable planet on paper.
The fable “The last tree” by Stephan Zavrel was read by an actor from Fondazione Stepan Zavrel: it is a story about a community that understands the value of the forest surrounding a city only when, after a clear cut, the climate around the urban area changes. Thanks to two children, the community decides to plant new trees.
Then followed two lectures by Professor Tommaso Anfodillo and Giulio Menegus (TESAF department, University of Padova) on the relationship between biodiversity, forests and wetlands.
In particular we provided a very timely and detailed overview of the ecosystem value of the wetlands in the Venetian Alps, focusing on the nearby Cansiglio plateau and on Cadore, our project area in Italy. The goal was to allow citizens to understand the value of the natural environment that is right there, around them.
Lastly, a quiz involving parents and children was organized on the contents displayed during the morning.
Games, reading, explanations, but above all a synergy between the various social actors and stakeholders allowed the event to be rich and effective, with the aim of giving the next generation the tools to protect and love the whole planet and wetlands in particular.