Series of Q&A sessions

Dec 22, 2021

The Interreg Alpine Space programme is offering a series of Q&A sessions on different topics for you to prepare for the currently opened first call for project proposals of the programming period 2021-2027.
Get informed about the thematic priorities of the programming period, the application procedures and how to make a good application for funding:

  • 18 January 2022, 14:00-15:30: Quality criteria for a good application
  • 26 January 2022, 10:00-11:30: The eligibility rules
  • 10 February 2022, 10:00-11:30: The joint electronic monitoring system (Jems) – POSTPONED to 15 February, 10:00-11:30
  • 21 February 2022, 14:00-15:30: Small-scale projects


Please send us your questions on each of these topics via Slido:


More information about the sessions is available here.