Objective 3.1
Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
Transnational cooperation on innovation and the uptake of advanced technologies is of key importance to foster a climate resilient, resource sensitive and inclusive Alpine region. In particular, digitalisation offers opportunities to increase social sustainability and green innovation.

What is it about?
The programme aims to improve research and innovation capacities in the Alpine region. Cooperation on innovation capacities can strengthen the programme’s impact in particular thematic fields by increasing the innovation potential of Alpine actors. It also contributes to reduce the polarisation between urban and rural regions by improving inter-regional cooperation.
At the same time, the programme should further ensure the involvement of diverse actors from research, innovation, academia, private sectors, public sector, and civil society. Beyond result-oriented innovation, the focus is also on innovation for processes and aiming at reducing territorial imbalances. This approach should also support social innovation and its application for instance to services of general interest, sustainable tourism or mobility. Clusters and innovation hubs can continue to benefit from transnational cooperation. They are indeed key players supporting the concrete deployment of innovation services, leading to innovation diffusion and increased innovation capacities of the regional ecosystems.
Given the programme´s mission, innovation includes a “green” character of activities, impacts of projects as well as methods and practices of project management.
Indicative types of actions
The programme is looking to support the following indicative types of action:
Developing or testing joint solutions and actions to support innovation and uptake of advanced technologies. These activities should involve policy-level actors and have an open and inclusive character, for example in the following areas:
shaping an innovation ecosystem that builds on the natural and the cultural heritage of the area, supporting the development of sustainable and innovative value chains. The value chains should involve the relevant actors, including individuals and social stakeholders, to promote and explore solutions for social innovation, eco-innovation and green economy as a trigger for regional development;
fostering the innovation capacities, addressing innovation gaps on a transnational level in non-urban areas, reinforcing urban-rural as well as rural-rural linkages in the field of innovation, fostering access of rural businesses to the urban innovation support services and diffusion of innovation support services;
supporting clusters and innovation hubs-cooperation in different territories, as well as transnational value chains relevant for regional smart specialisation strategies (“S3”), focusing particularly on urban-rural links;
supporting experimental models and “green” start-ups to better address innovation topics in the Alpine region, involving greening practices building upon the natural and cultural heritage and knowledge of the actors in the Alpine region;
Testing ideas for transnational innovation activities and entrepreneurship with a view to reducing territorial imbalances in all sectors, processes and ecosystems in the Alpine region, as well as solutions for identifying and mitigating adverse social and environmental impacts;
promoting and exploring application of social innovation to services of general interest, mobility, health and medical innovations, sustainable tourism;
develop and test transnational training programmes to improve skills for green and digital transition and contributing to broaden innovation capacities.
Testing and implementing transnational networking activities, networking tools, advisory services and exchange platforms for example to:
foster social and process innovation based on the natural and cultural heritage of the Alpine region.
connect regional innovation ecosystems (e.g. to develop joint solutions for innovation diffusion)
Supporting the coordination between innovation activities and policies and other policy domains of highest relevance in the Alpine region.

Objective overview
Have a look at other priorities and objectives.
Priority 1
Climate resilient and green Alpine region
Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, and resilience
Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure
Priority 2
Carbon neutral and resource sensitive Alpine region
Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
Priority 3
Innovation and digitalisation supporting a green Alpine region
Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
Reaping the benefits of digitalisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities
Priority 4
Cooperatively managed and developed Alpine region
Enhance institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies.
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