Objective 1.1
Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, and resilience, taking into account eco system based approaches.
The strong effects of climate change challenge inter-relations within natural, economic, and societal systems. Moreover, pressure is high on the rich Alpine biodiversity. This particular context calls for urgent action.

What is it about?
The signs of climate change require urgent action. The consequences of climate change in the Alpine region are expected to be manifold and represent a considerable challenge for Alpine nature, economy, and society.
Climate change will lead to an increase in natural hazards that pose an explicit threat to settlements, infrastructure, livelihoods, and human lives in mountainous regions as well as in the forelands of the Alps. From a transnational Alpine perspective, the inter-relations within the natural, economic, and societal systems are of special interest. The variety and the extent of the impacts caused by climate change in the different Alpine regions are yet uncertain in detail. Because of these uncertainties, the adaptive capacity of the Alpine region urgently needs to be strengthened. Solutions should be developed to cope with the impacts of climate change, to establish climate services and to foster the resilience of the Alpine region.
Therefore, the Interreg Alpine Space programme 2021-2027 will support the development of inter-regional and transnational frameworks, joint management approaches and services that foster risk prevention and disaster resilience in a comprehensive and sustainable way.
Climate change adaptation-measures
The programme is looking to promote climate change adaptation-measures in the Alpine region by the following indicative types of action:
Solutions and pilots to strengthen the preparedness and adaptive capacity of the Alpine society, economy and nature to cope with the impacts of climate change and establish climate services to foster the resilience of the Alpine region;
Solutions and pilot actions to bridge the gap between climate research and practical implementation and to integrate new research results into the adaptation practice;
Information exchange and knowledge transfer at a transnational/regional/local level to adapt to the impacts of climate change and to raise awareness among experts, policy makers and citizens;
Methodologies and tools aiming at measuring and monitoring the specific impacts of climate change to the lithosphere-biosphere-hydrosphere-cryosphere.

Risk prevention and disaster resilience
Together with these adaption measures, the programme will also promote measures for risk prevention and disaster resilience by:
Preventive, integrative and strategic planning measures in the fields of spatial planning and risk management; disaster monitoring-, warning- and response- systems at different territorial levels concerning all kind of natural hazards and fostering Nature Based Solutions;
Skills and competences for policy makers and stakeholders at different policy levels to make better use of digitalisation in the field of risk prevention, risk management and climate change adaptation;
Solutions and pilot activities for different types of territories in highly affected and exposed regions as well as exposed main communications axes and human settlements;
Participatory concepts pilot projects in risk management as well as communication measures aiming at raising awareness and preparedness among policy makers as well as citizens;
Solutions and pilot activities to set up coordination structures for the sustainable management of multifunctional protective forests and the establishment of Nature Based Solutions.
Objective overview
Have a look at other priorities and objectives.
Priority 1
Climate resilient and green Alpine region
Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, and resilience
Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure
Priority 2
Carbon neutral and resource sensitive Alpine region
Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
Priority 3
Innovation and digitalisation supporting a green Alpine region
Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
Reaping the benefits of digitalisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities
Priority 4
Cooperatively managed and developed Alpine region
Enhance institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies.
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