Dream: heating villages with a clean, renewable technology

Jan 18, 2021

Dream: heating villages with a clean, renewable technology

In the Alps, CO2 emissions, mostly related to touristic and residential heating, are one of the most urgent issues to tackle. Yet, until a few years ago, using the energy stored in the ground to heat buildings wasn’t thought of as an option in the Alps.


The GRETA project has studied the opportunities, technical issues and economic viability of applying near surface geothermal energy to villages, public buildings with specific constraints and isolated Alpine huts. Thanks to GRETA, people can learn about the shallow geothermal energy potential of their area; administrators can take advantage of policy guidelines and all can best understand how long it may take for the initial investment to pay back. This knowledge allows for a new heating system to be developed.

Find out more here: https.//www.alpine-space.eu/greta