“The cradle-to-cradle approach is a methodology for continuous improvement of sustainable economy, finalized to represent a point of reference for several value chains”, says Carlo Valerio, president of Confapi Padova and partner of JVP Srl. “It is an already widespread certification in the US, but also in Europe it is every year more known and required, especially in the textile and construction sectors. The advantages for the companies using this approach are the reduction of different risks, the increase of competitiveness and the reduction of production costs. Furthermore, it is in line with the objectives defined by the European Agenda 2030.”
Mr. Carlo Valerio – Owner – JVP srl
We also asked the Cradle-ALP partners – eager to promote cradle-to cradle approach in their regions – about their impressions of the study visit. Here are their thoughts:
“The study visit of the Italian company JVP allowed me to better understand the high level of requirements implied by cradle-to-cradle certification on the products, processes and the organisation of an enterprise in the flooring industry. It was very interesting to better understand the obstacles and challenges faced by JVP to access to the certification and see in concrete terms what does this commitment to cradle- to-cradle approache implies for an enterprise. I am looking forward to find out how other industrial SMEs tackle this challenge so that our project can build a roadmap with concrete steps for enterprises from the Alpine space key industrial sectors willing to adopt a circular model.”
Roxane Girard, Polymeris
“Our study visit to JVP, a floor panel manufacturer, gave an interesting insight not only into the production process but also the requirements for a C2C certification. Most interesting for me was the fact that the inside of the panels is made from wood chips recycled from the local Italian construction industry. This is a good example for a first step towards closing the loop in the wood and furniture sector which we want to address during the Cradle-ALP project next to the plastics, chemicals, textile and packaging industry. In my opinion however, it is still a long way to achieve a closed loop as it is needed for a sustainable transformation of the industry based on renewable resources and circular materials.”
Tobias Schwarzmüller, Chemie Cluster Bayern
“The study visit of the company JVP in Piove di Sacco that manufactures raised steel floors was very important to better understand the concept of Cradle to Cradle, which is the core subject of the Cradle-ALP project. Hearing the experiences from the first hand about the certification process and the requirements to receive the certificate for the products has great value. The Cradle-ALP project will try to promote this approach to the companies in the Alpine space – making them aware that the way of designing the products, so they can be fully reused, can preserve or even increase their value. The companies that will cooperate in the project are also from chemical and plastics sector, C2C certification for products in this sector could be even a bigger challenge.”
Alenka Dovč, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia