Electric vehicles are increasingly used for local public transport and last-mile freight logistics. However, the local network infrastructure is one of the main obstacles to their large-scale introduction. To meet the higher energy demand, a harmonised approach is needed for the planning of charging infrastructure and the development of e-mobility services. e-SMART designed, tested and validated transnational instruments for an integrated planning of e-mobility smart grid services and charging stations. Living labs enabled public authorities, e-mobility and energy operators to find common solutions.
- 2014 – 2020
- Low carbon
- Increase capacities for the delivery of services of general interest in a changing society
- Group 4: To promote intermodality and interoperability in passenger and freight transport
- Group 9: To make the territory a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energy
- 10/2019
- 05/2022
- 2.528.350 EUR
- 2.149.097 EUR
- Italy
- Turin
- Italy
- Venezia Mestre
- Italy
- Brescia
- Slovenia
- Kranj
- Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- France
- Franche-Comté
- France
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- Germany
- Kempten
- Germany
- Frankfurt
- Austria
- Klagenfurt
- Austria
- Wien
- Austria
- Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
- Germany
- Munich
- Germany
- München
- 45.481430279166679.243829677026172
- 45.06775517.6824892
- 45.48246212.2317016
- 45.539802210.2200214
- 46.243263514.3549501
- 46.050026814.5069289
- 47.142584756.132022233575384
- 45.29681194.6604809
- 47.726706310.3168835
- 50.11064448.6820917
- 46.622816214.3079604
- 48.208353716.3725042
- 46.627796114.308877
- 48.137107911.5753822
- 48.137107911.5753822
Living Lab Concept
ToolThis document describes the e-SMART Transnational quadruple-helix cooperation model to co-create, experiment and evaluate smart approaches and digital tools for an integrated E-CS planning and e-mobility services diffusion in LPT and LML in relation to smart grid. -
Tactical Roadmap
StrategyThe Tactical Roadmap is a ready to use document for decision makers that list, at transnational Alpine Space level, objectives, criteria, timelines, milestones and vision to achieve an integrated E-CS planning in relation to smart grid and e-mobility services diffusion in LPT and LML. -
Operational Roadmap (ORM)
StrategyThe Operational Roadmap represents the link between the Tactical Roadmap and the respective territories. The Operational Roadmap strongly reflects the Tactical Roadmap’s structure, with customised regional and local needs, objectives, business models, incentive and financial sources.It represents an operational instrument to be adopted by regional and local PAs and utilised by both public and private decision makers for the implementation of e-Mobility services and a charging network for e-LPT and e-LML in relation to smart grid. Its contents are in line with the Tactical Roadmap, but they are defined in the light of the specific needs of the countries, considering all the elements that emerged during discussions between project partners and stakeholders. -
e-SMART Toolkit
ToolPlease find the e-SMART Toolkit on this website. Username: esmart / Password: opendash#22 -
Training Materials
StrategyIn this folder, you can find the e-SMART best practices, training actions, training sessions and interview series.