Due to demographic changes and economical challenges, the social sector in most Alpine countries suffered considerably. The resulting restricted financial resources cannot satisfy the needs neither of the ageing population nor the increasing number of NEETs (young people not in education, employment or training). Those growing societal challenges are calling for social innovation and the basis for a new social economy, which connects the public-private-third sectors: the AlpSib project addressed NEET’s and senior’s needs by introducing innovative solutions, such as social impact investments (SII), social impact bonds (SIB) and a Social Impact Investing Hub for knowledge sharing, policy coordination.
- 2014 – 2020
- Innovative
- Increase options for low carbon mobility and transport
- Group 3: To improve the adequacy of labour market, education and training in strategic sectors
- Group 5: To connect people electronically and promote accessibility to public services
- 11/2016
- 07/2019
- 2.152.988 EUR
- 1.830.039 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Pordenone
- Anna Ulian
- anna.ulian@comune.pordenone.it
- Austria
- Vorarlberg
- Dornbirn
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Slovenia
- Zahodna Slovenia
- Ljubljana
- Germany
- Schwaben
- Augsburg
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Nice
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Italy
- Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
- Aosta
- Italy
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Pordenone
- Italy
- Piemonte
- Torino
- Germany
- Tübingen
- Stuttgart
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Nice
- France
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Marseille
- Germany
- Schwaben
- Augsburg
- 45.956832512.6595446
- 47.40658139.744216731866953
- 46.050026814.5069289
- 46.049382114.4607368
- 48.366804110.8986971
- 43.7273357.2758169
- 45.06281157.6696365
- 45.73661577.3182786
- 45.986076712.6430806
- 45.06895977.6830865
- 48.77949549.1682824
- 43.69558557.273144806429016
- 43.28886275.3800719
- 48.36851710.8975761
AlpSib Transnational Methodology for social impact investing policies
ToolThe document highlights various aspects of social impact investing and proposes joint methodology for Alpine Space taking into consideration similarities and differences of various countries.The methodology is a very uselful tool for all wishing to launch a SIB project. It contains 5 chapters and 2 appendixes. It introduces the notion of social impact bonds and the importance of having a common methodology in the Alpine Space area. Further chapters give a reader an insight into actual conditions, opportunities and challenges countries have been dealing with in the field of social impact bonds and instructions for interested stakeholders, who would like to implement a SIB project. The methodology goes beyond the Alpine Space borders and discusses the SIBs in the European Union. Furthermore, the methodology consists of two appendixes. The first appendix contains several examples of SIB contracts from various countries. The second appendix is a toolkit: Social impact measurement in the SIB model. More: https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/alpsib/en/project-results/alpsib-methodology -
AlpSib web platform
NetworkA special web platform dedicated to social impact investing in Alpine Space area.AlpSib web platform is a special web platform developed within the AlpSib project. It contains the information about the project in general, offers e-learning material for all that wish to know more about this quite new financial instrument and is a platform for connecting people with ideas, will and capacities to launch new SIB projects in the Alpine Space area or wider. -
AlpSib Transnational Forums
NetworkTwo International AlpSib Forums happened within the AlpSib activities. First took place in Nice in September 2017 and the second happened in November 2018 in Turin.International AlpSib Forums gathered range of experts working in the field of SIB; practitioners, working to implement SIB ideas, investors, who shared their experience in investing in a SIB project, politicians, who make decisions that support or obstruct SIB projects implementation and people from academia, who are studying this financial instrument. Forums were dedicated to the exchange of opinions and experiences, promotion of the SIB mechanism as well as increasing knowledge and raising awareness about its advantages and disadvantages. Links to both events: https://www.alpine-space.eu/project-news-details/en/5321; https://www.alpine-space.eu/project-news-details/en/1694 -
National discussion papers
StrategyFive discussion papers, one per partner country, illustrate political scenarios in the field of social outcome contracting and investing, opportunities and barriers for further development of SIBsNational discussion papers illustrate political objectives, broad governments' approach to social impact investments' policies, while identifying barriers and demands that can be jointly addressed. Papers were drafted with help of national and regional public authorities. Five discussion papers, one per partner country, illustrate political scenarios in the field of social outcome contracting and investing, opportunities and barriers for further development of SIBs. On the basis of this research a transnational advisory board of SIB practitioners, investors, policymakers and academics share ideas, answer questions and debate how to construct a common methodology which would harmonise approaches to SII policies.